Jen's Keto Pumpkin Smoothie

Author: Jennifer (Caregiver)

Description: Pumpkin flavored 4:1 smoothie

 g Pumpkin, canned - unsweetened
 g Coconut Milk, Unsweetened, Thai Kitchen
 g Splenda, No Calorie Sweetener, Granular (McNeil)
 g Oil, Coconut - unrefined (regular or organic)


Add all of the ingredients into a blender or a bullet and mix with ice cubes and add 1/2 tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice if desired.  

Nutrition Information (for entire recipe):

Carbohydrate: 5.4g
Calories: 349
Fat: 35.63g
Protein: 1.76g
Ratio: 4.98:1

4:1 ratioMeal Replacement