Chocolate Mousse 2.5:1

Author: Adele (HCP)

Description: Chocolate mousse - à la française

 ml Formula: KetoCal 2.5:1 LQ (measure in mL) Nutricia
 g Oil emulsion - Liquigen (MCT) - Nutricia
 g Lily's chocolate chip (User-Added*)
 g Cream, Shelf Stable Whipping Crm - Trader Joes


The recipe serves 2 small portions. 
- Melt the chocolate chips with KetoCal 2.5:1 and Liquigen. Stir with a whisk while the chocolate chips are melting. Let it cool down for 5 minutes. 
- In the meantime, whip the cream (use a electric mixer – hand-held or stand mixer with whisk attachment)
- Add the chocolate preparation to the whipped cream, mix until the chocolate preparation has blended with the whipped cream.  
- Refrigerate for 1-2 hours
- Enjoy this delicious dessert ! 

Nutrition Information (for entire recipe):

Carbohydrate: 13.81g
Calories: 521
Fat: 49.18g
Protein: 5.89g
Ratio: 2.5:1

KetoCal 2.5:1 LQ2.5:1 ratioSweetDessert