KetoCal® Tomato Sauce (3:1)

Author: Nutricia KetoCal

 g Formula: KetoCal powder 3:1 Nutricia NA
 g Garlic paste - Amore
 g Mushrooms -white - raw
 g Oil, Olive
 g Onions, spring or scallions (tops and bulb) - raw
 g Tomato puree, Contadina canned
 g Tomatoes - canned, diced


  1. Place the olive oil, garlic puree, spring onions, mushrooms and tomato puree in a pan and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the diced canned tomatoes and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, add a pinch of oregano if desired.
  3. Stir in the Ketocal 3:1 powder until dissolved

Nutrition Information (for entire recipe):

Carbohydrate: 2.8g
Calories: 158
Fat: 15.3g
Protein: 2.4g
Ratio: 3:1


KetoCal 3:13:1 ratiosaucesavorylunchdinner  

*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use

Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.