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Author: Samra (Caregiver)
Ingredients: g Salmon Burger Fremont Chipotle (User-Added*) g Brussels Sprouts, cooked g Cheese, Kraft DeliDeluxe Amer(Pro3Fat6Carb<1) g Lettuce, Iceburg g Cucumber, peeled - raw g Fage O' (User-Added*) g Blueberries, frozen unsweetend Directions:
Carbohydrate: 17.52g Calories: 375 Fat: 16.73g Protein: 38.47g Ratio: 0.3:1 Tags:
Lunch or Dinner
*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use
Salmon burger /cheese w/veggies, salad and a side of greek yogurt w/berries.
Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.
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