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Author: Chef (HCP)
Ingredients: g Almond Butter-RAW Crunchy or Creamy-TrdJoes g Formula: KetoCal 4:1 powder - Nutricia g Cinnamon, ground g Almond Flour (whole ground blanched almonds) g Lily's chocolate chip (User-Added*) g Coconut, dried, shredded - unsweetened g Nuts, Macadamia - dry roasted with salt Directions:
Carbohydrate: 19.8g Calories: 826 Fat: 71.81g Protein: 25.14g Ratio: 1.6:1 Tags:
SweetSnackKetoCal 4:1 Powder
*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use
The Nutty Fat Bomb has almond butter, almond flour, macadamia nuts and chocolate chips and shredded coconut with the base of KetoCal 4:1 powder.
Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.
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