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Ingredients: Bacon, Smithfield no sugar - cooked crisp g Formula: KetoCal 4:1 powder - Nutricia g Butter g Cream, 40% g Oil, Olive g Egg (raw, mixed well) ml Water Directions:
Use the Keto Pancake recipe to make batter.
Pour the batter into a waffle maker.
Fry the bacon until crispy.
Place on top of waffles with a knob of butter.
Carbohydrate: 5.5g Calories: 1669 Fat: 169.29g Protein: 30.39g Ratio: 4.72:1 Tags:
*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use
Belgian waffles with bacon
Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.
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